
Intervention Programs

Information coming soon.


Cowell Area School models high rates of SACE completion and successful school-to-work pathways learning through highly personalised programming for SACE and vocational education.

Our senior students undertake a full range of academic experiences with a focus on locally-relevant STEM subjects. 

They connect to real-life learning opportunities through Flexible Industry Pathways, School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, work experience placements, Local Delivery, OAC and face-to-face subjects delivered by highly-skilled educators.

For some this leads to SBAT employment opportunities – for others, an ATAR pathway provides opportunities for further tertiary learning at universities and colleges nationwide.

Curriculum delivery is constantly evolving at Cowell Area School as we manage subject offerings, timetabling and learning partnerships to suit specific individuals and cohorts.

Cowell Area School has been an active partner in the revisioning of SACE, joining the pilot programs to deliver new subjects such as EIF and AIF in 2022.

Through SACE, every learner is supported to ‘thrive’, developing the capability to: 

  • Open doors: find opportunities – By pursuing ideas and creating new paths, getting things done and setting the pace. 
  • Stretch minds: through global curiosity – By knowing more than facts and figures, pausing to think and 
  • asking why. 
  • Strengthen ownership: grasp responsibilities – By identifying strengths and opportunities and embracing failure as a first attempt in learning. 
  • Embrace perspectives: honour difference – By growing awareness of different actions and recognising the impact they may have. 
  • Share success: with communities – By forming connections with people and teams who have different ways of knowing and being. 

Our long-term partnerships with families, employers and educators – together with our close relationships with students and a holistic and cohesive view of R-12 learning – lay strong foundations for SACE students at Cowell to ‘thrive’ at and beyond school.



Cowell Area School offers a wide range of subjects and extra curricula activities for all year levels. Click on the below icons for more information.

Primary School - Years R - 7

The school provides a varied curriculum which is guided by DfE (Department for Education) and the Australian Curriculum (ACARA). Together with the compulsory curriculum, there are many extra curricula activities.

R-6 Primary

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • HASS (Humanities and Social Science)
  • Technologies (Design and Technology / Digital Technology)
  • Health and Physical Education
  • The Arts -Visual, Music, Drama, Media, Dance
  • LOTE (Languages Other Than English) – Indonesian

R-6 Extra Curricula Activities:

  • Assemblies, Student Representative Council (SRC), Swimming Carnival, Sports Day (Athletics), Interschool Sports (Athletics), Instrumental Music (Private), Dance (Private), SAPSASA (Cricket, Tennis, Football, Netball, Softball, Swimming, Athletics), Science Week, Academic Competitions, School Camps (including Gawler Ranges, Errappa, Adelaide, Port Lincoln and Whyalla) and various excursions, Book Week, Premiers Reading Challenge, performances for Senior Citizens.
Middle School - Years 7 - 9

The school provides a varied curriculum which is guided by DfE (Department for Education) and the Australian Curriculum (ACARA). Together with the compulsory curriculum, there are many extra curricula activities.

7-9 Middle School

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • HASS (History, Geography, Economics and Business, Civics and Citizenship)
  • Design and Technology / Digital Technology
  • Home Economics
  • Visual Art
  • Aquaculture
  • Health and Physical Education


7-9 Extra Curricula Activities:

  • Assemblies
  • Student Representative Council (SRC),
  • Swimming Carnival,
  • Sports Day (Athletics)
  • Interschool Sports (Athletics)
  • Instrumental Music (Private)
  • Dance (Private)
  • Science Week
  • Academic Competitions
  • Camps and various excursion
Senior School - Year 10

Cowell Area School offers a strong senior school curriculum. The senior school begins in year 10 and concludes in year 12 where students complete their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Year 10

In year 10, Students are exposed to a large range of subjects over 2 semesters. These subjects include:

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Science
  • History and Geography
  • Art/Design
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Home Economics and Child Studies
  • Tech Studies
  • Aquaculture
  • Personal Learning Plan
  • and more…

All year 10 subjects are assessed through either the Australian Curriculum and its relevant subject Achievement Standards, or SACE through its subject performance standards and other assessment procedures.

Year 10 students participate in a range of extra curricular activities including sports day, swimming carnival, SRC, the annual Adelaide Careers camp, Senior School formal, work experience program, curriculum competitions and more.


Senior School - Year 11

Cowell Area School offers a strong senior school curriculum. The senior school begins in year 10 and concludes in year 12 where students complete their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

In year 11, Students begin their work on their South Australian Certificate of Education and are exposed to a large range of subjects over 2 semesters. These subjects include:

  • Mathematics – Essential, General, Mathematics
  • English- Essential, English
  • Sciences – Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Scientific Studies
  • History and Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Food and Hospitality and Child Studies
  • Tech Studies
  • Certificate 2 in Aquaculture
  • Research Project
  • Community Studies
  • School Based Apprenticeship
  • VET Programs


All year 11 subjects are assessed through using the SACE performance standards (for that subject) and other SACE assessment procedures.

Year 11 students participate in a range of extra curricular activities including: sports day, swimming carnival, SRC, the Arts camp in Adelaide, Senior School formal, work experience program, curriculum competitions, Road Awareness Program, Pathways talks, University presentations, school sport and more


Senior School - Year 12

Cowell Area School offers a strong senior school curriculum. The senior school begins in year 10 and concludes in year 12 where students complete their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Year 12

Cowell Area School offers a strong senior school curriculum. The senior school begins in year 10 and concludes in year 12 where students complete their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Year 12

In year 12, Students continue and finish their work on their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and are exposed to a large range of subjects across the year. These subjects include:

  • Mathematics – Essential, General, Mathematical Methods, Specialist
  • English – Essential, English, English Literary Studies
  • Sciences – Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Scientific Studies
  • History and Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Food and Hospitality and Child Studies
  • Tech Studies
  • Aquaculture
  • Research Project
  • Community Studies
  • School Based Apprenticeship
  • VET Programs


All year 12 subjects are assessed through using the SACE performance standards (for that subject) and other SACE assessment procedures including Moderation and External Assessment tasks.
Year 12 students participate in a range of extra-curricular activities including sports day, swimming carnival, SRC, the arts camp in Adelaide, senior school formal, work experience program, curriculum competitions, SATAC Seminar, school sport and more.